G2S: The GeoStatistical Server

A free and flexible multiple point (geo)statistics framework including state-of-the-art algorithms: QuickSampling and Narrow Distribution Selection


  • QuickSampling (QS) (aka. Quantile Sampling) is a general-purpose pixel-based MPS algorithm that is designed to be robust, efficient, and run in constant time. QS was designed to adapt to your problem; it can be used to do (un)conditional simulation, gap filling, or even downscaling, using continuous or categorical variables or a combination of both. The code was developed without restrictions regarding the dimensionality of the data (e.g. 1D, 2D, 3D, nD).
  • Narrow Distribution Selection (NDS) is an algorithm specifically targeted to simulate spectrally enhanced remote-sensed imagery. It requires an external variable (for example, a grayscale image) to control the simulation (of colors).

The framework can be easily extended to handle most codes that use gridded data. Currently, any compiled code or Python code can be handled.